Text exemple is the natural response of the body to challenging events, causing your mind to be focused and alert. However, when stress doesn’t subside, the effects can be serious. Stress can disrupt your sense of well-being and lower the quality of your life. It is a medical problem that can be overwhelming and persistent, which interferes with your normal functioning. Most commonly, stress is related to work, family, personal issues or housing.
The most common symptoms of stress include physical complaints, fears and worries, rapid heart rate, upset stomach, and the avoidance of social interactions. While the cause of stress is uncertain, the problem is often a result of a combination of factors including brain chemistry, genetics, life events, and personality.
There are special stress therapies that address both the social environment and emotional needs of a person who is experiencing stress. Your doctor will evaluate all your symptoms in the context of your situation and life events, all while helping you overcome stress and prescribing suitable treatments.